Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Liebster Award :)

Just want to thank: Steffani's Merry Makeup & Beauty Blog because she has picked my blog for this very amazing award. Thanks so much girl! This award is given to new bloggers with under 200 followers and is also a great way for people to make new connections.  It’s my first award so everyone help me show steff how thankful I am by checking out her awesome beauty blog as well as following her too!!  Thanks again!

There are a few things I have to do now that I have received the award...
1. Thank the Liebster blog award presenter on your blog!
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded your blog!
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog!
4. Reveal your top 5 blog pics! 
5. Drop by your top 5 pics and let them know you have chosen them by commenting on their blog!


 All 5 of these girls have amazing blogs which is why i'm giving them this award! they always blog about up to date products and their opinions and styles are so similar to mine, which is what makes them so interesting! I literally can not wait to get on my computer everyday just to see what these girls have posted! You all need to check these ladies out and follow them! thanks!


  1. Congrats again lady! Love your blog :)

  2. Thank you so much for the Award! Just followed your blog. I love how you have fashion and beauty related posts :) I will be working on reposting this on my blog, thanks again :)
